
In: News - Events

Meeting with the Minister of Civil Protection Mr. Takis Theodorikakos

The information campaign for the purpose of Olympico Vision continued…

Meeting with the Governor of Attica Mr. George Patoulis

Today, our president was in the office of the Governor…

Meeting with the president of the world UAV federation Mr. Giannis Dagklis

A very interesting meeting, with our vision always at the…

Meeting with the Minister of Shipping and Island Policy J. Plakiotakis

Today we met at the Ministry of Shipping and Island…

Municipality of Peristeri honors the culture and the Olympic Spirit
The Municipality of Peristeri honors with a special exhibition the...
Interview of our President on the Ionian Channel
Interview of our President on the Ionian Channel. We thank...
Newspaper ‘ESTIA’. Permanent performance of the Olympic Games in Greece

“ESTIA” NEWSPAPER… Saturday – Sunday 24 -25 September 2016 By…


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