

  • Ancient Greeks established Olympia, as the birthplace of the Olympic Games, a robust valley near the Alpheios.
  • The first official Olympiad was recorded in 779 BC.
  • The first recorded winner of the Olympic Games was Ilieos Koroivos.
  • The Olympic Games were a brilliant ordinance with a great reputation, perfect organization, a high level of rivalry, had the greatest prestige over the other Panhellenic Games and justifiably attracted a large number of visitors, intellectuals, artists, merchants and all this gave incredible fame and splendor to Its name. The Games took place every four years.
  • In historical times, however, their organization will lead the city-states into conflicts, and for this reason, a cultural and political action named the Olympic Truce will become the regulator of relations. between the city-states since during it the hostilities between the wars are suspended. The truce was sacred and inviolable. Any violation of it meant very strict fines and punishments but above all, complete discrediting of the city-state that violated it.
  • The Olympic winners enjoyed universal respect and recognition.
  • Women did not have the right to participate or attend the Ancient Olympic Games. The only woman who dared to break the law and watch the games was Kallipateira from Rhodesia, daughter of wrestling Olympic Champion Diagoras of Rhodes.
  • This glorious ordinance began to decline with the conquest of Greece by the Romans.
  • Theodosius the Great in 394 AD forbade the Games to be considered a pagan and pagan ceremony.
  • The revival of the Olympics was first expressed by the Phanariote Scholars Alexander and Panagiotis Soutsos writing fanatically in favor of the idea of ​​their revival in the newspaper “Helios”.
  • Evangelis Zappas, a Greek patriot and fighter of 1821, readSoutsos’s articles from Romania, and found them exciting. In 1856 he wrote to Othon and offered 400 shares of the National Steamship in order for the profits to be used for the revival and the establishment of the Olympic Games and undertook the construction costs of the industrial exhibition shop and of agricultural products of the Olympic Palace, the current “Zappeion”. With the royal decree of 1858 it was decided that the “Olympia” be organized every four years along with an exhibition of agricultural and industrial products, the so-called “Zappeia Olympia”.
  • In 1894 the French Baron Pierre de Couberdin conceived the idea of ​​international sports magazines with the participation of all states in a different country and city at a time. At the Paris conference, Athens proposed to organize the first International Olympic Games, which took place in 1896 with huge success despite the difficult situation at the time. In 1895 the president of the first International Olympic Committee, Dimitrios Vikelas, commissioned Kostis Palamas to write the Olympic Anthem, with Spyros Samaras to compose the music.
  • The financial contribution of Georgios Averoff is huge and decisive for the Olympic Games.
  • Spyros Louis from Maroussi became the Grand Olympic Champion of the 1896 Games.
  • In 1900 they are organized in Paris
  • In 1904 they are organized in San Luis, Missouri
  • In 1906 they are organized in Athens
  • In 1906 they are organized in London
  • In 1912 they are organized in Stockholm
  • In 1916 they did not take place due to the First World War
  • In 1920 they are organized in Antwerp
  • In 1924 they are organized in Paris
  • In 1928 they are organized in Amsterdam
  • In 1932 they are organized in Los Angeles, California
  • In 1936 they are organized in Berlin
  • In 1948 they are organized in London
  • In 1952 they are organized in Helsinki
  • In 1956 they are organized in Melbourne
  • In 1960 they are organized in Rome
  • In 1964 they are organized in Tokyo
  • In 1968 they are organized in Mexico
  • In 1972 they are organized in Munich
  • In 1976 they are organized in Montreal
  • In 1980 they are organized in Moscow
  • In 1984 they are organized in Los Angeles, California
  • In 1988 they are organized in Seoul
  • In 1992 they are organized in Barcelona
  • In 1996 they are organized in Atlanta
  • In 2000 they are organized in Sydney
  • In 2004 they are organized in Athens
  • In 2008 they are organized in Beijing
  • In 2012 they are organized in London
  • In 2016 they are organized in Rio de Janeiro

In 2020 the Tokyo Olympics are  postponed due to the global pandemic of Covid-19, and thus strengthens our argument for the establishment of a permanent Host Country


Arkhéo Pnévma athánato, aghné patéra
tou oréou, tou meghálou ke tou alithinoú
Katéva, fanerósou ki ástrapse edhó péra
sti dhóksa tis dhikís sou ghis ke t’ouranoú.

Sto dhrómo ke sto pálema ke sto lithári
Ston evghenón aghónon lámpse tin ormí.
Ke me to amáranto stefánose klonári
ke sidherénio pláse ke áksio to kormí.

Kámpi, vouná ke thálasses féngoune mazí sou
san énas lefkopórfyros méghas naós
Ke trékhi sto naó edhó proskynitís sou.
Arkhéo Pnévma athánato, káthe laós



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