
Municipality of Peristeri honors the culture and the Olympic Spirit

The Municipality of Peristeri honors with a special exhibition the culture and the Olympic Spirit, presenting the “Torches of all the Olympic Games from 1936 till 2020” from the unique collection of Mr. Stratos Klimos, employee of the General Secretariat of Sports, a collection that is the product of 30 years of effort.

The Olympic Spirit, starting from our homeland, travels for over a century, carrying everywhere in the world, courage, virtue, noble rivalry and perception. But also the uniquely important and valuable regime, global reconciliation, unity and cultural creative coexistence of all the peoples of the world. Many Olympians and Paralympians were awarded for their presence in the games.

Congratulations on the initiative to the Mayor Mr. Pahatouridis and a big thank you for the honorary invitation.


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