
Meeting with the President of the World Olympic Park “OLYMPIA”

Second meeting of our president with the President of the World Olympic Park “OLYMPIA” Mr. Konstantinos Dimitris, in their offices, in a very interesting and constructive discussion with common goals and interests! There, in the fertile valley of the mythical Alpheus and the tributary of Kladeos, in a place of special natural beauty and with a rich mythical tradition, was founded on the Dawn of historical times the sanctuary of Zeus, father of gods and men, the sacred “Altis”.
Although geographically isolated in this corner of the western Peloponnese, Olympia has historically excelled as the most important pan-Hellenic religious, political and sports center of the ancient Greek world. This site, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1989, has been the cradle of universal and timeless ideals, such as noble rivalry and “fighting well”. From antiquity to eternity, through these values, Olympia teaches that man can seek and achieve moral qualities.


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